Become a partner of the project,
bring your ideas and inspirations,
help us to get recources, set up and develop the Centre.
Visit us and help us to find more partners for the project.
Become an active user of the Centre.
We would be happy
to know you are happy that this idea is going to be realized
and to get in touch with you.
We would like to know if you are developing some kind of similar project
and if/how our co-operation can be productive and enriching.
How you can support the project realization
- financial support is very welcome on the KONTO PRE
ŽIVÚ KRAJINU (FUND FOR A LIVING COUNTRY) - Account No.: 0553024328/0900
- become a member of LIFESPRING Community for a Living Country - you
will become informed regularly and gain many other benefits -
your membership (only €15/year/pers.) will be a great
support for us to move foward our projects
- send us good book, video or case study from good projects
demonstrating sustainable practices - from our library they will be
reachible for many of those who would like to realize positive
practical steps
- support us by working model of sustainable technology for educational and promotional purposes
- take some of the all other steps mentioned above
Thank you beforehand for your support - for your contribution